November 11th 6:00pm-Midnight
Doors open at 5:00pm, Locked at 6pm.
6:00: Mandatory Review of Dungeon Rules
Text Jody if you are going to be late
Feel free to bring something to Share – Never Required but Always Appreciated.
Water, Soda, Snacks, Fruit Bowl, Doughnuts…
Volunteers provide a Shuttle Service to accommodate more pervs at the party.
- Please carpool if you can
- Presenters, Shuttle Drivers & other Volunteers get to park in the driveway
- Carpools can drop off at our location and then go Park in large parking lot:
- Location sent to approved guests via FetLife message
- Shuttle will do Pick Ups at 4:45, 5:00 and 5:30
- Shuttle will do Drop offs at 10:30, 11:30 and 11:45, etc if needed.
Come early to nosh on goodies and be social.