Axwhipmaker (WhipsByAxel) is a professional whip maker who specializes in lifestyle whips.
Axel has been honing his craft for more than 25 years and sells to kinky folks, vendors and stores across the United States and Europe.
Axel rarely gives demonstrations, but he has graciously offered to teach Tallahassee about his passion….WHIPS!
He is traveling from Pensacola to Tallahassee to honor us with a FREE DEMO.
January 20, 2024
926 Bar and Grill
2:00 – 4:00 pm
- If this event is full, we will add the word “FULL” to the beginning of the title.
- “Maybe’s” may not move over to “Going” after it’s FULL without approval. No more people will be added to the event until someone else drops out.
- Please only RSVP as “Going” if you agree to be (or have already been) vetted and plan to attend.
- Refer to the sticky on The Vulgarians group page on how to be vetted in order to attend any regular play parties or after-parties.
- Please update your RSVP when/if your schedule changes. No call/No Show behavior is tracked and factored into future events.
It wastes our time and there always people who want to attend and can’t get in.
Food and beverages will be available from 926 Bar & Grill. Please patronize them so we can continue to have events there.